Hypa Digital

Digital Transformation

The aim of any innovative company is to scale, and where possible, to disrupt without the commensurate increase in costs and a disproportionate growth in the company’s administrative burden. This can include increased regulation, bureaucracy and/or managing an ever growing amount of people. Good people are absolutely essential for a dynamic company to grow, but not at the expense of the company’s productivity, management’s time and future growth.

Hypa can help streamline your business by advising and providing the following:

  • Digital transformation automating most of the mundane and administrative intensive processes
  • White label platform solutions for fundraising, lending and deal sharing or a unique bespoke solution
  • Providing resources to project manage and/or develop your own in-house IT project
  • Consult and introduce the right partner for more ambitious and technical projects

The mass migration of technology into the Cloud opens up further possibilities to monetise a company’s technology by taking advantage of Software as a Service (SaaS) that allows for recurring revenue streams and higher company valuations. Technology can be part of any innovative company’s strategy, even if your business doesn’t necessarily fit into the neat traditional concept of a technology company. The integration of scientific and technological innovation into your business can also attract significant tax benefits, including the Governments research and development tax credit.

Whichever sector the company is in or whatever the objectives the company is pursuing, Business Process Automation (BPA) technology via Digital Transformation can help those goals to be reached faster and more efficiently while increasing productivity. Companies that integrate science and technological innovation into their business model, can grow more rapidly and command much higher valuations as a multiple of their revenues, than those companies that are reluctant to embrace important innovation into their business model.